Me: Ok guys, are you ready to plant some awesome nebadye trees in your compound!
Villagers: Yea, but I want you, a little girl with the flu who just got stung by a scorpion, do all the work. And after you dig a massive hole, you should go buy me some tea.
Me: Riiiiiiigggggghhhht. OK, well here are 3 papayas, 1 mango, 1 guava and 4 nebadyes! lets get to work
Villagers: Woah woah woah, Sira, why are are planting a stick in my front yard
Me: Its not a stick, caterpillars ate the leaves but they'll come back
Villagers: there are no leaves, its a stick
Me: I know, but they'll grow back
Villagers: Its a stick
Me: No, its not
silence for a moment and then.....
Villagers: (under their breath) stick
(This went on for 10 minutes at each compound)
So, since I was doing all the digging, I planted my little sticks, I mean trees, in their yards. I came back to check on them the 2 days later and they had pulled them out of the ground and the damn goats were eating them. :( Insert heart break here.
Anyway, after my disappointment, I went out to the fields to direct seed some species for a live fence around their crops. You know those moments when you're feeling a little cocky about being able to speak the language? Maybe for those of you at home its french, or spanish, or hell, even english sometimes. Well, I was having a day like that with Pulaar when we went out. In my defense, I had the flu of death and was quite feverish.
The conversation went a little like this....
Farmer: Hand me that shovel
Me: (confused look) I point to a big creepy ass bug.
Farmer: (Sassy tone) No Sira Ba, thats a millipede, not a shovel.
Me: oh, sorry hahaha!
Sometimes, you just look like an idiot, there's no avoiding it. That week or so in the village was pretty busy though. With the start of the rainy season, the nights are a lot cooler, which is
That and I had the flu of death for the first 5 days, with a 104 fever. Awesome. While swelling and dying of a fever, I had to do my mosquito net distribution (thanks to all of you who donated and your hand drawn thankyou notes from my kiddos are coming soon). Imagine being swarmed by 150 people wanting whats in your hand, and you're delirious from fever. Overwhelming!
Anyways, I spent the past week in Dakar teaching at an English camp, going to happy hour and trying to live in the Western-ish world. We had a lot of fun with the kids. We started off every morning by making them do "head, shoulders, knees and toes" at the top of their lungs, had them to playing kick ball and even had an olympic day where we played with frisbees and basketballs. But, I think the best part was by far watching them try to do a 3-legged race. I actually had a team hop all the way down to the end and back. Apparently they didn't believe me when I said the other way was easier ha! It was a blast and we had some great discussions with the kids about things going on in America and let them think up possible ways to improve the problems.
However, my favorite part was letting the kids pick names. I figured, that since I had to have a senegalese name, they should have an american name. In my group, the best names were Lola, Rihanna, Ludacris, Celine Dion and Peaches. Seriously, I think these kids watch a little to much TV and music videos. And peaches....really? She must have been hungry. Also, one of my group members asked me to write an inspirational american quote in his diary. I agreed, but with the pressure of being put on the spot, I could only think of one thing, a commercial that I hope he never sees. "On the road of life, there are passengers and there are drivers" - Saturn. I'm ridiculous.
Whats the plan now?
Well, I'm headed back to the village this afternoon. Going to finish my out planting and plant my farmers' pepiners. Next week, I'm headed to Sokone to do mangrove restoration. Apparently there are people from DC coming to document. We're a big deal over here I guess. Then, once outplanting is completely finished, I am heading up a mural tourney. I'm going to all of the different subregions in Kaolack and painting murals on walls, schools and who knows, maybe even the villagers themselves! Paint-a-holic. That should bring me up to the early December and alhumdoulillah I'm home!!!!! VACAY FOR A MONTH!!!!
Again, I'll try to be better at updating this from now on. Love you guys and can't wait to see everyone!
1 comment:
Yeah, an update. I heard spraying hair spray on the scorpions will kill them. It has to be aerosol so if you can find some aerosol hair spray in Dakar, you are set. Glad to hear you are better after the flu of death and that you are making progress in your job. Wow, VIPS from DC. That should be great. Oh, and ...wait...what are you doing in that bloody big nutshell!!!! I love you girly.
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