Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The infamous christmas list

ok guys here it goes. So, its that time of year again for the ridiculous christmas lists created by yours truly. This year though, I have a feeling it is a bit more random.

Make up: anything bare essentials, I love their eye shadow and thats what I need the most (pinks, purples, browns and nudes are usually what i wear), I need some eyeliner (brown or black) and of course lip gloss

Cute shirts (plain colored fitted tees XS or S and some cute tank tops too)

flip flops because mine broke and the plastic african ones just dont cut it for me

fun fashion jewelry

Nail polish and remover, pummus stone, nail file etc.

Itunes cards would also be ideal

A reeses peanut butter cup :) please please!!

And the completely outrageous, typical weirdo sarah animal I want for christmas this year is a baby fainting goat, the regular ones here just arent as fun!

Just got back from Dakar though, and had a blast!! Im really excited about maybe getting a bissap juice/jam project started in my village sometime this year. Even though the trip was work related, I still managed to be my rowdy self, swim in a pool, eat too much ice cream and drink too much delicious red wine :) at the moment, im sweating in Kaolack and wasting time before I make some pumkin pie. No spinach dip though sad. Unfortunately I dont have time to write more though. I do have my old phone back so give me a call if you miss me!!! Love you all!


Rachel said...

BABY FAINTING GOAT!!!!!! Is that the same goat that was sharing your pillow. This christmas list is not nearly as long as they usually are for you :)

i miss you and want to call you, but i dont know how. grr...i need a phone card! I love you and love you and love you!!!!!

Da Momma said...

Wow, Baby Fainting Goat, huh....the baby sloth and baby gorilla are so pissed! We will get to work on that wish list! Oh, and I am sending you Mrs. Grass's vegetable mix so you can make real spinach dip at Christmas. We will miss you tomorrow (Thanksgiving) it won't be the same without you here. I will also send some "butterfly" crackers. Yummy! I will send you a reese's cup in a tuperware container so that if it melts, you can lick it out anyway.