Saturday, November 8, 2008

Swear In...we made it!

So we are officially volunteers!!!! 40 of us came to Senegal 2 months ago, and now 40 of us swore in as official volunteers. Apparently that is unheard of. At least one person always goes home during training. We're just awesome...I guess.


Da Momma said...

Yes, yes you are! Awesome that is! Way to go. I love your outfit. So cute. Well, now the HARD work begins. Putting together a new box. Let me know what you want. Things for your new place? How are your shoes holding up?

Zeke and Jack and Zoe bark hello!

Love Momma

Da Momma said...

Oh an Africa 2 Sarah 1

Rachel said...

YAY!!!! You look so great!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I love the picture of the guys holding are definitely in Africa :)