Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A senegalese filling....OUCH!

March seems to have flown by, I cant believe that tomorrow will be April already! yikes! The 7 month mark is already here! However, I can't help but feel like I did nothing but travel this month. Unfortunately, the excitement in March was minimal, no one proposing on alhums or telling me their name is Usher Raymond then proceeding to sing (very badly mind you) Let it Burn. I'm both happy about this and a bit disappointed, as much as it sucks and the men are sleezy, it does make for a great story to put on the blog.

I started off the month with a trip to the dentist....in Dakar. Granted, the guy was Lebanese or French or something so it wasn't like I went into a hole in the wall, dark and dirty rip out your teeth and put in Razorblades kind of dentist. (http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1573625485.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg) That would seriously have sucked. But none the less, I would not recommend getting a filling removed/put in here. So, about a month into service, I broke a filling and just figured, whatever no big deal. Go figure, I got a cavity underneath. FUUUUUNNNNN! A night in Dakar eating waaaay to much later, I'm gripping the chair, white-knuckled and trying not to bite the guys damn hands off. Really, if you're going to rip out a filling, scrape out a cavity and put in a new filling, at least give me some novicaine! And quit asking "ca c'est sensitive?" Yes, that is sensitive, you're ripping my face off you jerk. And then thep power went out. Go figure. Senegal, you really know how to make a girls day. Haha! Needless to say my back tooth is just as beautiful as it was before I came here.

On the other hand, I took a lovely 9 hour drive down to the waterfalls for some more AgFo training. Alhumdilillah! We learned everything that we should have at PST and IST. I am actually somewhat comfortable planting some trees now. We also recieved our seeds and sacks which is wonderful, my villagers have been bugging me for weeks. I was stressing out about it more than I think is normal. Apparently they wanted 13,500 Eucalyptus seeds and 1,000 Cashew and Mango seeds. Not to mention all of the ones for live fencing and ornamental trees. A little excessive, in my opinion, considering this is a village of 250. Dude, where they hell are we going to plant all of these? Redic! And I must say, warthog sandwiches are tasty.

Upon returning to Kaolack, I went out to buy my tools and get everything ready. I am now the proud owner of a freshly sharpened Machete. I swear to god goats, if you get in my nursery, I will use it......and then eat you. Muahahahhaha! (evil laughing and a creepy look). But, considering all of these sacks and seeds (not to mention the damn gift I have to buy for the family everytime I come back to the village, stupid cultural norms....what the hell, why dont I ever get a gift?) weigh more about the same as I do, I have no idea how I will manage to drag everything back to the ville. And yes, I was curious and actually weighed my bags. I have too much time on my hands. I'm on my way out though, so Ill have a more interesting blog when i come back in to kaolack on the 16th or 17th.


Da Momma said...

I love you Seesha! It was nice to talk to you the other day. Be careful and enjoy your planting season. Remember to wear your boots!!!!

Rachel said...

ouch charlie - that really hurt!

Pappy said...

I look forward to your book someday.

Nikki said...

I can't stand the suspense! You weighed your bags, but didn't tell us how much they weigh! PS - You ate Pumbaa?!