Thursday, August 20, 2009

My peace corps bucket list

Sometimes, things happen in life that make you really just have no idea what to do with yourself. Personally, I'm a planner (no seriously, my favorite thing in college was making class schedules) so that's exactly what I'm doing to keep myself occupied while i'm not planting trees in the village. After one more night in Kaolack, I'm heading home to start fasting and I can escape into my "real world." Here's a list of 25 things I want to do before I turn 25. So, essentially I have a year and a half to do all of these things....wish me luck!
  1. Learn just enough Czech, German and Dutch to allow me to flirt and get my way when I travel through Prague, Germany, Belgium and Holland.
  2. Learn to drive a motorcycle. Not that I want to buy one, but just to know how to ride it.
  3. Test drive a Porsche
  4. Eat steak tar-tar
  5. Bike to Kolda (Just over 100 miles) in one day
  6. Go on a quest for the Abominable Snowman
  7. See the Taj-Mahal
  8. Go on a road trip across the United States, preferably ending up in Napa Valley. God knows I'll want a glass of wine when thats over
  9. Learn how to belly dance. Maybe i'll incorporate it into my hour long dance party every night before bed
  10. Learn guitar (well, more than the 6 chords that I know)
  11. Complete the Goree Swim in November. (Swim from the coast of Dakar to Goree Island)
  12. Visit 10 different countries
  13. Ride a camel
  14. Run a half marathon
  15. Go skydiving
  16. Take up yoga
  17. travel alone
  18. Host Saturday Night Live (I can be pretty entertaining, I think i'd do a good job)
  19. Start playing piano again
  20. Go to Oktoberfest in Germany
  21. Go to Mardi Gras
  22. Keep a journal
  23. Learn how to make a tiny ship in a bottle (I mean seriously, how the heck do they do that?)
  24. Become a vegetarian for a year (looks like I should start that one soon)
  25. Spend one night pampering myself in a snobby hotel/spa alone
Looks like I'd better get started on some of these. Its been a rough day and night and I think I'll go to bed and head back to the village in a bit. I'll be fasting for Ramadan. Its one month and we'll only be eating or drinking after the sun goes down. Wish me luck and lets hope I don't waste away :)


Mom said...

With the exception of the "steak tar tar" which basically is raw beef (you really don't need mad cow disease) the list looks doable, but you might need until you are 30 - not 25. Oh, and I heard the Abominable is vacationing in Vegas, so just go there instead. Glad to see you voice and that you are looking ahead and making plans. See you very soon.......Love you, lulu

Unknown said...

The abominable, REALLY?