Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm officially a hippie

Today was the last day of staging which is nice, long boring days filled with skits/role play, holding hands and sharing our feelings. (insert awwww here). I wore my dinosaur shirt today! It was a big hit especially at lunch when I tore up my food like a t-rex. Just kidding, but seriously I wanted to. Instead, I chewed it really hard. You know, just to show it who was boss. Haha! We're supposed to leave tomorrow at 630am for the clinic. Oh and for the record, we all had to take pregger tests since the yellow fever vaccine is a live vaccine. Nice huh! But tomorrow at this time I will be in-route to Senegal. After all of these people holding my hand I'm starting to really feel like a part of the group. Well, that and I really want to wash my hands.

The luggage is stressing me out. Apparently I'm much more of a city girl than I had realized. My roommate brought a backpack. But I feel a little better that one girl who I met brought like 100 things of lip gloss and hair product haha! I'm not quite that bad, but I did bring make up. She's really nice and is doing the same work that I will be doing, so I should get to know her a little better over the next few weeks. Agroforestry Extension Agents UNITE!!!!

Today, we had to get into groups and do something with our "talents" that portrayed our fears or hopes for service. Attempting to play guitar in front of 40 people was hilarious. At least there were more up there too though.

As for my hippiness, I've pretty much decided to go vegetarian unless it is absolutely necessary to eat meat out of respect for my "family." My chacos are awesome and I think everyone has a pair. The good thing is that it will keep these worm like things from laying eggs in my feet and making me have to pick them out when they hatch. Yum! Apparently though, the RPCV's said we'll get used to it and share war stories of the things we find on our bodies and what may or may not come out. No thanks! haha! Oh to be thrown in with a bunch of strangers and learn everything possible about their bodies. There are just some things about guys I don't want to know (and girls for that matter).

Overall, I'm excited, terrified, anxious, a little hungry, sad for leaving the people I care about the most and the list could go on and on. I can't wait for visitors! And I think I'll feel better about everything once we get in country and I can meet my house family. I am a little disappointed about one thing. We were told that there's a good chance our homestays at our site will only be for two months. Then, we'll get our own place. Which the privacy may be nice, but it would be so much more fun to live with all the kids and would assimilate us so much more than living alone. :( Oh well, I'll call tonight before bed. Love!


Rachel said...

I love you a whole bunch. Good luck pretty lady! I miss you already!

Da Momma said...

Yes well, your mom was an original hippie so you will do fine. As far as the luggage is concerned....you will have what you need and if you find you don't need it....or want it....give it away! I love you and miss you already, your room was way too empty and clean......Zeke was looking at your bed though...with longing to sleep in it I am sure.