Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who's got ameobas?

Status: I'm always hungry, always sweaty, so exhausted all the time, I am a giant mosquito bite, getting skinnier as we speak and getting really sick of flies. My email inbox and mailbox are still empty :( sad

As of right now, I do not but i was informed that I will have them in a few months. GREAT!!!! haha! I guess its more of an initiation thing than anything else. However, this whole not eating business has started to take its toll. I feel weak and shaky almost every day, but I've been willing to deal with it (despite the heat) to avoid a greater fate of being violently ill from all the gluten and wheat in the meals. What I wouldn't give for a delicious dinner in the states. Or an Avocado hoagie--bread and all. I'd put up with the cramps from that if it meant I wasn't hungry.

So the was doing great!!!!! But after a "light" game of soccer, I'm back to bandages. Had it only been our PC group, everything would have been just fine. We weren't playing competitively and no one really had to worry about guarding me because lets face it, I suck at soccer haha! Even after some of the seneglese kids joined in (who are REALLY good by the way) things were fine. Until some crazy 30 something year old Iranian dude popped into the game. No one even saw where he came from either! So I had the ball and kicked it away, since i suck and didn't want the ball. After (repeat AFTER) the ball had been gone for a good 30 seconds or so the guy comes up and kicks me right in the toe. I went down. HARD! the guy then proceeded to try to touch my toe repeatedly after I kept smacking his hands away and the guys told him to leave. One of the boys was helping me limp home and sure enough a creepy molester van pulls up, fully equipped with the iranian and tried to get us to get in. Yea right creeper haha!

Random: a lizard just ran across my feet. He was cute. I probably have ebola now.

Last night we went out for the first time and had a blast. Got a little schwastey not gonna lie, but don't worry mom, everything was fine. By schwastey, I mean 2 beers haha! Oh and I do enjoy that the frites are put on the sandwiches here at restaurants. Its the meme chose as chips on sandwiches in the US! yay! But bad part, I just found a part of a plastic bag cooked into my sandwich. Again, I have ebola now, or ameobas :(

Just to warn you all I won't be on the internet probably for the next two weeks. 11 full days at the village should be interesting for sure. Bucket shower everyday with the monster spider yikes! But also if you want to skype me my name is Buhoe1. And don't worry mom, I miss you too!

-i was putting up a picture but its taking too freakin long...sorry no luck :(


Da Momma said...

Hi LuLu girl,

I love your updates. So you! Will I have good news - Millet does not contain gluten so you can eat that without concern. As far as the lizard, no ebola concerns, but maybe African lizard warts - you know where you get warts in the shape of lizards on your lips! hahaha! Your body will adjust to all the changes, but it may take some time. I miss you tons and had a glass of Beaujolas in your honor last night. It wasn't the same without you.

"heart you" momma

Pappy said...

hey sarah,

I had the rest of the wine and it was great. Just kidding. By all accounts your body just needs time to adjust to the wonderful food you are now eating. Sorry to say you may need time to adjust back to american food to when you get back. Another box will be going out this week and the pittingers went shopping for you to. Really miss your little face kid and can you bring me home a lizzard? Never trust an Iranian (they want to rule the world). Sure hope that the peace corp did indeed help you with your diet and all. It sounded like you needed an IV or something. Probably not much chance of that. You really are a great writer, very funny with the random coments. I look forward to hearing from you soon. LOVE,your biggest fan PAPPY.

Cheesy J said...

Hey Sarah!

I am too sorry that you're having such a tough time with the dietary stuff and all, but I really love reading your blogs! (I don't do blogs, not till now)

It's become part of my morning routine to go out and read, or, as in today's case, re-read, to see what hysterical tale you have to tell about some really non-hysterical situation your facing.

Believe it or not, I am envious, envious, envious! The PC was always one of those things I thought would be awesome to do, and as I read I'm wishing I had made that leap years ago and put in my time.

But... out on the PC website it says they take folks of all ages and Kellie is totally on-board with considering the possibility of taking a PC tour in some nice safe island nation who needs an aging computer guy and good cook, after the girls are grown and off on their own! Whee ha!

Got your address from your Mom and we'll be putting together a Sarah Care Package real soon.

Proud prop's from the Foglio's!


Unknown said...

Okay Sar so I'm logged in as ALEX, but it's really me, ya girl > CLAIRE! I'll log out later and actually start commenting on your blog (aggh I know I've been an awful friend). Anyway, I miss you more than I imagined and I'll save all this blah blah blah for later when I write your letter, BUT I just wanted to comment on the soccer story and say that when I was in Uganda I thought I'd be awesome and play HxC soccer with all the kids in the village. BIG MISTAKE, so I'm playing in a long skirt (ankle length) with sunglasses all over it and sneaks. I'm running running running and go to kick the ball. My leg goes up in the air stretching just past a 90 degree angle, uh oh my leg gets caught on my skirt and I literally kick my entire body over onto my back. SOOOOO EMBARRASSING. and I had to pull one of those "It's okay guys, it's cool, really, I'm okay" in front of an entire village of professional fourth grade soccer players. AGH. miss you girl, love you so much, I'm going to try to see your parents soon. Take good care. Give me that phone number!
